LAN stands for Local Area Network, WAN stands for Wide Area Network and MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network. All the technologies are mainly used for data communication. Covers distance upto 100-1000meters. The figure-1 below depicts all the three network topologies viz. LAN, MAN and WAN. LAN LAN has smaller coverage range within the house or office premises or can at least connect from one building to the nearby building. Most of the LANs usually will have about 10 to 100 users. Multiple users in LAN time share the system. LAN has been developed to allow sharing of common resource such as printer,harddisk and modem to more than one PCs. In this scenario PC connected with common resource is called as controller through which all the users will access the resource. As the days evolve people started using LAN for e-mail system for corporate network, here one system is configured as server storing mail boxes of all the users. Latest advan...